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About Martijn

Martijn is the oldest twin.
Martijn was born March 14th, 1985 09:19 am.
He was 38 cm and 1050 gr.

Martijn stopped breathing during the birth, so the doctors decided to resuscitate him.

A few days later they found out Martijn had a brain damage, caused by too little oxygen during the birth.
Martijn wouldn't get any older than 1 year old and he would be seriously disabled.

All mistakes, before their birth, during their birth and after their birth...

... made Martijn's life end on April 2nd 1985.

About Aaron

Aaron is the younger brother.
Aaron was born March 14th, 1985 at 09:20 am.
He was 33 cm and 740 gr.

Aaron couldn't breathe by himself and needed 70% artificial resparation.

Aaron didn't do well, and everybody thought he wouldn't make it.
Suddenly Aaron began to grow...
Aaron spent nearly 2 months in the hospital and he came home June 8.

Now, Aaron is 17 years old. He isn't a tall guy, but he has got other things to compare for that!
He is a gifted musician and he gave over 100 gigs...

Aaron still feels a strong connection to his twin brother. Martijn will look after Aaron and he will make sure Aaron survive this though life without his twin's brotherly love...

Mistakes from the start, have lead to Aaron's broken heart...

When the nurses made an echo, they didn't see Aaron. Aaron was sitting behind his bro, and nobody knew there were two of them.

Mom always thought she was expecting twins, but nobody believed her. "No, it's alright, it's always like this".
It was her first pregnancy, so she didn't know something was wrong.

When they made an echo severe months later, they saw TWO little babies. They heard two hearts, they so two heads.
One of the hearts was bad, so mom had to stay in the hospital and the twins would enter the world with the help of a caesarian section.

When they got Martijn, he couldn't breathe and well... you know the rest, don't you?!

A useful page for multiples, parents of multiples, parents of twin *angels*...
