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Greek Orthodox Prayer Page

Please check Photo Page 2 for Aaron's Pictures 2003!!!!!!

While reading this, please pray with us. Pray for a better world, for all the children of the world...

Let there be peace, Lord...

God, please hear our prayers...

Bless the children of the world...
Jesus will be with us.....
Lord, please give us Your love. Let Your star shine for us...
Dear Father, please bless all people and *angels*
Pray for the 9/11 victims and their families...
The Lord will be with us.

Our Father-which art in heaven-hallowed be Thy name-Thy kingdom come-Thy will be done-on earth as it is in heaven-give us this day-our daily bread-and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors-and lead us not into temptation-but deliver us from evil-for Thy is Thy kingdom and the power and the glory-forever-amen.